Sunday, January 30, 2011


Melbourne was a welcome break from the constant moving from place to place that has been so much a part of this trip. The city itself doesn't really have any distinctive features or landmarks to offer, but there is a sense of energy and worldliness that is lacking in a lot of the smaller towns. The weather was also pretty great the whole time I was there, which always helps.

Melbourne has been taken over by the Australian Open. I think I may have watched more tennis in the past week than in the rest of my life combined (including watching both favorites lose early). The city had a great set up in the main square, broadcasting the matches on a big screen so everyone could sit and watch outdoors.

My visit to Melbourne was also timed to coincide with Australia Day. While the festivities do not rise to the level of our Independence Day, and we were told that Aussies are light on patriotism, there was still a fair variety of Aussie pride events to take in, including a parade, fireworks and a barbecue hosted by our Melbournian friend.

The following day I took a day trip along Australia's Great Ocean Road, which runs along the southern coast west of Melbourne.  I again had gorgeous weather and got to see a lot of spectacular beach scenery.

One stop in particular was my favorite - Loch Ard Gorge, with a beautiful white sand beach situated between towering rock cliffs.  The sun was warm and the sound of the waves was so soothing, I could have sat there for hours.  As I've mentioned before, I can't think of anywhere better to clear my head than on an uncrowded beach, and the gorge was no exception.  (Indicentally, my head needs a lot less clearing than it did even six months ago, as much of the stress and static has mercifully melted away over the last few months).

My final day in Melbourne was spent exploring the city's famous laneways and alleyways.  Many of these serve as a platform for amazing displays of graffiti and street art which has been commissioned by the city and is highly artistic.  I took so many pictures that it is hard to narrow down my favorites, so I'll just post samples of the various styles. It really has to be seen to be believed.

But like all good rests, this one had to come to an end. I'm now in Tasmania and will start a tour of the island tomorrow.  I will again be moving from place to place over the course of the next week (although on a much more reasonable scale than New Zealand).  The flight in hinted at some pretty spectacular scenery to come.

I officially have three weeks left on this trip.  Everything I've seen and done has been great, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting a bit tired.  Since I didn't start missing home at any point during my three week trip to Europe, I wondered how long it would take for those thoughts to start creeping in.  The answer seems to be about a month.  I wouldn't say that I'm ready to go home yet, but I have started missing some of the friendly faces back in New York and I really wouldn't mind a night in my own bed.  By the time this trip is done, I think I will be ready to go back (which isn't a bad thing - I would be more concerned if I never missed any of it at all).  But there are still some fantastic things ahead in the next three weeks, so it's time to put aside those thoughts for now...

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